Weekend Stack of Maps 2: Space Exploration, License Plates, Alaskan Perspective and More
Five fun new maps to explore to get your weekend started
Another weekend, another stack of maps. As someone who used to live in Alaska, I’m particularly fond of the Alaska Perspective map. But otherwise, I hope you enjoy them all!
Cosmic Exploration
By Popchart.co. Just a fun map of the state of cosmic exploration. A little busy for me, but otherwise visually very pleasing.
Alaska Perspective
By @atlasmapper. As someone who used to live in Alaska, I thought this one was really funny. Obviously most people know that any map of the United States typically has Alaska in a tiny bubble in the bottom left corner with very little detail.
License Plates of North America
This is one of my maps. I can’t quite remember what inspired it, but I’ve always enjoyed seeing the different styles and designs of license plates for the U.S. and Canada. Northwest Territories might be my favorite of them all.
The Long Road to Washington D.C.
By reddit user MattMDL. This map made the rounds on reddit a few days ago and it’s quite interesting. In particular I love the gradual fattening of the road lines.
Women’s Suffrage
Original author unknown. I do enjoy a good classic map though. While the map projection isn’t perfect, it’s really quite impressive how accurate they were able to get long before computer-based GIS came along.
Thanks for reading! See you next week!