Weekend Stack of Maps 1: Cascadia, Contours, Census
The first weekend of The Map Stack and the first weekend stack of maps
Welcome to the first ‘Weekend Stack of Maps’ series where I share with you a handful of maps that I’ve found over the week. Sometimes they’ll be maps I’ve made but otherwise don’t necessitate an entire article for themselves. More often though, they’ll be maps others have made that I've found and enjoyed over the week. These maps will largely exist on their own without too much commentary by me so… Enjoy!
Just a fun Illustrated map of Cascadia that I made. Cascadia will likely be its own article series at some point, but it’ll be more data driven than this map.
Another map of mine. I just enjoy making minimalistic topographic contour maps sometimes. Crater Lake looks particularly neat, in my opinion.
By Reddit user /u/academicadvice. Nice clean census data with an interesting topic! Lots of fun data can be found in the census. Personally, I’m really excited for the full release of the 2020 decenniel census data.
By Reddit user /u/Dremarious. Remember when Kanye ran for president? Well here are the states he actually recieved votes in.
It’s All Greek To Me
By Mapologies (https://mapologies.wordpress.com/). I just enjoy a good language map. They’re pretty fun for those who like to explore other languages a bit.
SUPER THANKS to everyone who made this first week a big success. I’m honored to have so many subscribers in only a few days. Hopefully you have enjoyed the content. Many more maps are coming your way. Happy weekend!